English Nederlands


Alert Fund for Youth is a fund by and for activist young people. To be able to apply an application must propagate at least the core values below:

The actions, protest or other activist projects must be progressive and inclusive. We prefer direct action and actions that work towards sustainable changes. They must be organized by groups or individuals up to and including 34 years old. Alert Fund strives to support actions that have trouble getting financing through other ways or funds.

Examples of actions, protests, and other activist projects that we support:

  • Protests that create awareness about systems that create the climate problem, like deforestation.
  • Direct action to underline human rights violations.
  • Costs for occupations and blockades.
  • Protests that create awareness of unequal treatment of marginalized groups.

Conditions & criteria

Alert Fund for Youth subsidizes:

  • Singular small actions, protest, and other activist projects, created by and for young people.
  • A maximum amount of EUR 2000,-.
  • Fast track applications for a maximum amount of EUR 500,-.

What we don’t subsidize

  • Projects thought of and/or organized by or for adults above 34 years.
  • Initiatives with a total budget higher than EUR 20.000,-.
  • Projects that are funded largely by governments.
  • Projects about healthcare or awareness about diseases (HIV, AIDS, COVID).
  • Student trips, (foreign) internships and model congresses based on international organizations (example: UN/WTO/EU).
  • Structural organizational costs (example: rent, personnel costs).
  • Humanitarian (emergency) aid.
  • Material costs without an action.
  • Projects focused on economic participation or entrepreneurship .


Social, Economic and Political Equality

The world is unequally and unjustly divided when it comes to money and power. Alert believes that it is important that young people, via activism and progressive projects, are able to deliver a contribution to the exposure and improvement of the balance of power and economical inequality.

Climate & Sustainability

Climate change and the exploitation of our earth is a serious problem that has negative effects on vulnerable groups of people, animals, and the environment itself. Alert supports initiatives that contribute to the awareness and/or behavior modification regarding sustainable life.

Anti-Racism, Feminism, and Sexual Rights

Alert believes that everyone should be treated equally, offered equal chances, and not be discriminated against in society. Alert therefore supports actions, protests and other activistic projects which contribute to the emancipation of women, LGBTQIA+, and fight against racism.

Human Rights

Alert wants all young people to be able to live in freedom. This is why Alert supports initiatives that focus on the conscientization of human rights and / or actions that demand these rights. Freedom of speech, freedom to and access to education and free media play important roles.

Are you unsure whether your project falls under these criteria? Send an email to alert@alertfonds.nl